Go on a journey that
awakens your soul


seeds of hope Bette Lynn Dickinson seeds of hope Bette Lynn Dickinson

Reaping Hope

What does the natural world teach us about hope? When our hopes are fulfilled, we find that at the end of the journey, the harvest is reaped not just in the soil of our circumstances, but in what grows in our hearts along the way.

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seeds of hope Bette Lynn Dickinson seeds of hope Bette Lynn Dickinson

Lament: Sowing in Tears

We surrender to the God who makes things grow when we surrender to Him in lament. There are two different types of lament in Scripture: individual and communal.

In this season of individual and communal suffering, we are going to need to learn how to do both if we are to become the people He has created us to be. We need to grieve both our individual losses and those of our broken world.

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seeds of hope Bette Lynn Dickinson seeds of hope Bette Lynn Dickinson

Sowing in the Desert

What does it mean to “sow in tears” as Psalm 126 suggests? How do we enter into petition in the middle - in the “not yet?” The desert places where we long for rain?

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