Labyrinth Prayer Guide: Meditation on Psalm 23


A Psalm 23 guided reflection to connect with God in an embodied way.

This labyrinth guide will help connect you with God in an embodied way. When we practice a breath prayer and walk as we pray, we are integrating our body and soul as they both open to Jesus.

This package, and all linked material, are created by Bette Dickinson. This package includes:

- An audio guided meditation on Psalm 23 as walk a labyrinth: Let Bette be your guide through a labyrinth. Pop in your headphones as you either walk or trace a labyrinth with breath prayers and meditations based on Psalm 23.

- Breath prayer prompts through Psalm 23. You will prayer in 3 steps: the journey inward (Love God), in the center (loving union), and the journey outward (love others).

*This product is for individual use only. See “Resource Licenses for Groups” for use in groups.

Purchase Individual License
GROUP LICENSE for Digital Resources - Pruning: An Audio Guided Walk
from $25.00
GROUP LICENSE for Digital Resources - Labyrinth Prayer Guide
from $25.00
GROUP LICENSE for Digital Resources - Seeds of Hope (4 Week Guide on Loss)
from $50.00
Pruning: Audio Guided Walk
Sale Price:$10.00 Original Price:$25.00
GROUP LICENSE for Digital Resources - Unveiled Retreat Guide
from $25.00